
Here's something I wondered while watching, can facial recognition software overcome someone wearing a mask? Particularly one that doesn't hug the face?

Yeah, it's very interesting that Weiss mentions the "no body" rule in the EW interview… and then we don't see Stannis' body. Honestly, I could see it going either way, with Brienne having done it or pulling a Jon on Ygritte. We'll see.

A "two quick deaths" type of moment would be nice.

I HAVE to think this is it. Right? They can't possibly go any farther in tormenting the character. The emotional abuse she suffered for more than two seasons was enough as it is, but now that it's emotional and horribly physical? They can't keep it up. There's no WAY they do to her everything Martin did to Jeyne

Littlefinger's plan: I'm guessing he has two idea for two outcomes. The Boltons win, he assumes they'll be weakened enough that the forces of the Vale, unweakened by their choice to sit out of the War of Five Kings or the Bolton/Baratheon battle, are able to take the Boltons out. Assuming Sansa is still alive, he

Man, I wish Selma had a better chance. But maybe I'll see Boyhood and completely change my mind about that.

No mention of that little after credits scene? That took me off guard. For a second, I thought Talking Dead was doing a parody scene and it would be Hardwick under those rags.

I'm wondering if Varys will stay with Tyrion next season, or if when Tyrion comes out of the box, he'll be gone.
On one hand, Varys returning to King's Landing at the end of next season or sometime after would keep that twist alive, but it would stir quite a few questions if this is the last we see of him before

Still gets a B from you, huh?