
It’s the self awareness for me. Like, I like a lot of trashy shit, but I know it’s trashy, it just pleases the little goblin in my brain. No need to insist that your kitsch is the height of sophistication.

I was struck when that lawyer tried to hem and haw until she finally spat out that she's never seen anyone get out.

Two cops showing up and suggesting that the solution is perhaps not to let her have contact with the outside world.

I don’t think it’s unreasonable to ask that we restrict the shitting on things white women do to the things that actually hurt people. Karen-ing to get the grocery store clerk fired because they looked at her the wrong way or made her wear a mask? Shit on! Karen-ing to get the cops to come out and murder some black

Probably something to do with snotting off on Twitter that A REAL HERO would pay his rent is what's being taken as him attempting to take away from the good thing this man did.

The disingenuity of that whole discussion was incredible.

Keep having conversations with strawmen.

Someone showing you their tattoo is not an invitation to touch them. Didn't your parents teach you "you see with your eyes, not your hands"?

Where are you getting that she admitted he never made any inappropriate comments or gestures?

Why are people touching other people's tattoos without express invitation? I have a chest tattoo, and only one person with no boundaries ever tried to touch it.

I *love* typing with a big, obnoxious ring on my hand. 

It’s funny how when people talk about slavery and other such horrors, THAT WAS MY ANCESTORS, NOTHING TO DO WITH ME. But when it comes to taxes, every penny those ancestors paid is suddenly the same as if some pick pocket stole it right out of their coin purse.

I do the same thing with HBO/Starz (I think that’s the one that does Outlander). Although I get my Hulu free somehow through Spotify (?), so I guess technically I only pay for Netflix year-round. And I do the Amazon free trial every now and then, because I am not responsible enough to have all that two-day shipping on

I feel like most of their music is meant to be listened to alone, either in a bedroom or on a road trip through your headphones. I'm still hitting that concert this summer, but I know I'll be cringing with embarrassment.

I don't, because I have self control, but I am usually tempted by big wild curls, because mine are usually sad limp curls.

The organization that is putting this on also does a Golden Girls bar crawl in Minneapolis, which was really fun last year. This year, they’re making it a whole GG ~weekend~

I have never been more underwhelmed by someone’s intelligence than when I watched this. He reminded me more of all the people I’ve known who aren’t that intelligent who try to say all the big words that they think smart people say. I’ve never really looked into any of the notorious serial killers, so I'm not sure why

I’ve never wanted kids (because lazy), but as I’ve aged and come to understand how - even in supposedly egalitarian households - the woman ends up doing the lion's share of the work (in addition to her own paid work), I just can't understand how y'all do it. I definitely don't want to be caring for an adult child.


Se brought it up literally in the context of the pain and frustration of her insurance refusing to pay for her treatment. How is that not what it implies?