Or like a cross to a Vampire. “The power of Pork compels you!”
Or like a cross to a Vampire. “The power of Pork compels you!”
Hey Jim-Bob? Did you done did skin a mouse and hang it on my door?
Why does Donald where a shirt and no pants, but when he gets out of the shower he wraps a towel around his waist?
But, “beef” is usually used to refer to a penis. So you can see the confusion. Meat stick. Beef stick. Where’s the beef?
As The Amazing Randy explained when talking about why people believe in psychics, faith healers, etc. “People believe because they NEED to.” No amount of debunking, fact checking or explanation of how a scam works could disuade them, because they NEED to believe.
Too bad these reunions usually don’t last. Bands breakup for a reason.
If you read up on her, she is an incredibly impressive person who held some very unpopular opinions. A reserach chemist turned lawyer turned politician. First and only female Prime Minister.
A few years back, I met a guy who worked on Martha Stewart’s magazine. Said she was EXTREMELY detail oriented and micro-managing. Took her three months to select the exact shade of white for the ceiling of her office. That kind of thing. Guarantee, those rivet caps were put on because she wouldn’t approve the…
Let’s consider this proposed law to ban people on the terrorist watch list from being able to purchase a firearm.
The terrorists have won. We live in fear with no ability to make rational assesments of the real risk verse the perception of risk. We are steadily sacrificing our free and open society in the name of safety, even if it’s only an illusion of safety.
How about a new tradition where the couple make up a brand new last name for themselves? New family, new name.
For meat loaf and meat balls, I replace each whole egg in the recipe with three egg yolks, no whites. Holds together tightly, stays moist.
Remember when airlines fixed their “on time departure” numbers by making sure the planes pulled away from the gate exactly on time, even if that meant sitting in line on the tarmac for two hours? Because departure times are measured by leaving the gate, not leaving the ground.
Who gave her media coverage? There’s one of these Nervous Nelly’s at every school board meeting everywhere questioning literally everything.
Two things:
Where did I say he wasn’t racist? Or sexist? (I’d argue his misogny is more blatant than his racism.)
Every talking head on every news program is just shilling out what that network’s audience wants to hear. It’s just the way the process works today.
He could have blown a million on his first bad deal and been washed up in the 80’s. He really owes most of his success on being able to take advantage of all the media coverage he got during his divorce from Ivanka Trump in the late 80’s. He spun that into creating the Trump brand.
And pushed out Jeb Bush who had the best chance of presenting as Centrist and being a contender in the general election.