
I find their crap particularly infuriating because they obviously don’t know that the Department of Defense started paying the NFL a fortune in the 90s to use the stupid anthem-and-flag-before-games ritual as an Armed Forces recruiting tool. 

I do like pointing out that if you are christian, and many will say they are. and are to put God above all other things, and not serve two masters. then giving the flag that sort of reverence is tantamount to idolatry.

Oh, I’m sure she’s right about her diverse family. Some are white nationalists, some are neo-Nazis, a couple are KKK, and there’s that one uncle who isn’t married.

I’ve always thought Abe Lincoln’s mistake for the ages was NOT stomping his bootheel on the last burning embers of the Confederacy. He tried to make all nice with racist traitors at the end of the war, when he should have had Lee and Davis executed for treason. He downed the monster, but refused to cut off its head

Mouth breathing morons who reflexively worship the flag do not have the slightest inkling of what that flag means. Nazis worship flags. Americans stand, or kneel, for the freedom of expression and the right to peaceful protest against injustice that the American flag symbolizes.

More astonishing is that Republican’s bitch about free markets and shit, but then cry for regulations when free markets work, but not in the way they want them too.

Starting off by tying every account to a Facebook account wasn’t the best idea, either.

That picture of the Datsun F10 made it look like a japanese version (so actually reliable and affordable) of a Citroen SM.

There is some terrible answers on here:

How bout just an extension that replaces mentions of Trump with clips of Eleanor flirt/insulting various people? Especially Tahani, that sexy giraffe!

Never stop being you Torch.

A 30 second? Dude, just lol...

Want your roads built and repaired? Taxes
Want your education paid for? Taxes
Want your military? Taxes
Want your public works (water, sewer etc...)? Taxes
Want your public parks maintained? Taxes
Want your State and Federal parks maintained and protected? Taxes

Well said. And its amazing that most Republicans think socialist services for citizens is same as Communism. Just research Germany and the Netherlands, they are doing just fine, much better than American citizens. The critics need to go back to school.

Roads are shite because the gas tax hasn’t gone up in 25 years and it was designed to pay for these things. Can’t raise gas prices though because it’ll murder your run for office. In addition states and municipalities are responsible for road repair and maintenance, not the Federal government.

Counterpoint: taxes are a value neutral necessity because we live in a society and need good things such as infrastructure, military defense and education - none of which are free.

Taxes and regulations, done correctly, can guide our country’s economic and security interests. The key, of course, is “done correctly.” Tariffs are often the opposite of that.

ok. then. let’s not pay any taxes. you build your own road to get to places. You can’t use the road I or anyone else build. I’ll charge you stupid amount of money to use mine if you do. Or you could just home school all your kids. don’t even think about having the military power of the U.S. Sure you probably have

That’s a massive oversimplification of a civilization which had many issues and stumbles on it’s way too dissolving. Another key component was interruption of macro economic trade with other parts of the known world. But the Roman empire lasted hundreds of years, it wasn’t taken down by taxation alone.

And what paid for all of those evil roads you like to drive on?