
I'm just jealous she has a husband that can handle anything beyond 100% cotton t-shirts and jeans.

A word about milia: I had milia once and my dermatologist just zapped them with a laser or something (I honestly don't remember if it was a laser... but it seemed to almost painlessly burn the little suckers off) and they never came back. It was like a five minute appointment.

Devil's Tower is a huge rock formation in Wyoming. It is sacred to the Lakota, Cheyenne, and Kiowa. Indian leaders tried to stop rock climbers from what they viewed as desecrating their sacred space. A "compromise" was reached. There's a voluntary climbing "ban" in June.

This is what we teach here at home. It

I don't know, British tourists are pretty assehole-y, too.

Kind of reminds of when I went on a cruise that visited Belize. We went on a tour when that was our day in port, and saw how insanely poor Belize was. People had houses with three walls and a roof, made of cardboard, milk crates and pop cans. One thing the poor people in Belize did take pride in, though, was their

God bless this guy :')

My neighbor's sister has been selling her poop, and she has just bought a new BMW! I started last week and have been making avg. $80/hr. pooping at home. You can do it too!

In the four months I lived in Berlin this past fall, not a single day went by that I didn't see a man peeing in a public place, many times without even attempting to conceal it, including flagrant exposure of many penises directly. If the dude is going in the toilet, I consider that a step up.

as much as it pains me to say this: Johnson's right. this woman spends way too much time taking people - other women, specifically - to task for failing to live up to moral standards which she herself cannot uphold. if her online persona wasn't so relentlessly moralistic, Johnson wouldn't have even bothered with this.

The problem is, these parents who do wrong and then deny it ever happened or don't see any wrong they've done are actually, literally, narcissists. They can't see their own faults. This woman is in fact a narcissist. She did something gravely wrong as a parent but can't see that so she blames her kids. My mom is the

This has been one of the most therapeutic pieces I have read in a long time. My sister and I are estranged from our mother and when people hear of this they usually paint us as spoiled children. "But that's your MOTHER!" they say. No matter that she was and is an abusive psycho who both my sister and I tried our

How do you know my mother??

I don't talk to my mom and emails where she talked shit about me and blamed me for my parents divorce (she left him for another man. So it was obvi not me) are part of the reason we don't talk. I got nervous for a minute thinking "oh great. That's what that crazy bitch has been up to these days" thank god it wasn't my

Especially since they are both estranged from her. I could understand if it was just one (she doesn't approve of his lifestyle/religion/whatever), but both? There's something fishy there and I don't think the stink comes from the kids' side.

"They accuse me of being a terrible person, but won't elaborate about exactly what I've done. Well, sometimes they do, but it doesn't make sense, at least to me."

I saw something about this on The Huffington Post the other day and haven't been able to stop thinking about it.

Oh Christ, where do I begin?