
Ellie, do you think your former classmates appreciate your troll on their khaki's?

sadly, you CAN pick out Kim K from the photos: she doesn't look as good as the Serbian!

Egyptian Bros

I completely relate: I get judgey looks from neighbors when I don't have Whole Foods or Trader Joe bags but Safeways finest. And it kills me that my kids school lunches come on "compostable" trays, which really just make the whole meal a hot food gross and soggy mess. And the peanut free kids can only eat Whole Food

I loved using Houzz: when you go through your bookmarks you are able to understand, hey, I kind of like this style. Makes the process so much easier and faster than randomly picking things and hoping it will work cohesively throughout apartment.

I think we have the same father

I grew up around SD: the K names are the new J's. Go away Jaden, Jade, Kayden and Kade. Also, too much Kardashian influence. Blut is an amazing name however.