
Karl Urban

We have different nightmares.

They should have let him speak before rushing the stage. It’s not very often that they get to look him in the eye and let him hang himself with his own words.

Yeah if you don’t focus on the pay then those 4 day workers are going to be using the other 3 days to work their second job to still make ends meet.

Thor: Ragnorock is the only time I can think of that your statement is not 100 percent true.

A race bike in the tour De France is $12,000 to $13,000. This bike still has early adopter tax in the price but it’s not that far from what something this cool should cost.  I’d love one.

The thought of that is giving me crippling anxiety :)


They get bigger :)  And Scarier 

That is the most click baitey picture to a story about covid deaths that i’ve seen in a while.  Maybe a week.

If I made 185k a month I would hope I didn’t have creditors.


I want to be able to hide any video/channel that has “We broke up” or “i’m leaving youtube” or “Hey sisters”

What about Handicapped persons?

Which one do you like best?

It’s morbid, but I’m curious as to how many died.  If its 5... then the fact that they worked for amazon has nothing to do with this.  Click bait is right.

By 2050 there will be:

OMG Siri killed Stan Lee! You bastard!

Your attitude is what is causing planet fitness to flourish. They came to my town and the rest of the gyms are now ghost towns.