dumpster diving at its finest
dumpster diving at its finest
There was an actual race this weekend Alanis. There hasn’t been a satellite rider win a GP in a decade. This is what you chose to report? Gawker sucks cock.
I dunno, the local HD dealership told me that they could perform a basic service (balancing a wheel when I didn’t have the tools to do it) on a non HD wheel, when I specifically told them what it was, and when i got there, got turned away. I was going to pay them for the service... but no, they wasted my time instead.
This thing is gorgeous i would 1000% buy it
I’m an MSF RiderCoach in Pennsylvania, the last of the states offering the class for free. In my opinion, this should make the class the only way to get the license as there are no valid excuses otherwise.
However, it’s a bucket-list box-checker as well. Sunday I teach class to 12, 6 of which DO NOT KNOW HOW TO RIDE A…
The only law I need to make me wear a helmet was written by Isaac Newton.
Absolutely for splitting <20mph. It’s excruciating watching riders strip leathers in the 116°F Phoenix summer because they’re stuck in traffic.
Economy sucks... people are moving south where cost of living is lower. Roads are less congested than say NY/NJ/CA so people get bikes. Experience is lacking. Helmets are missing.
Full freaking gear kiddos...it works... Crash tested twice so far in 8 years of commuting with Houston drivers.
“For $4,950, this Pugeot”...Let me stop you right there.
Naw BRO, when you get back from deployment, you are supposed to take every penny you saved and pay cash on new GSX-1000RR. Gixxer BRO! Then get an ICON vest and cheap HJC helmet and pop sick wheelies yo. Gloves are for pussies. All you need is flip-flops, shorts, and your favorite sleeveless t-shirt. Make sure you…
No, do it.
“You know what the guy 8 car-lengths up is going to do before he does it.”
I commute on bike when I can here in Chicago.
Can confirm: top boxes are equal parts dorky and useful. Also, motorcycles have half the wheels but twice the maintenance.
Because if they just bought a bunch of Jeeps on the economy (who says they haven't done this in the past?) then a certain number of Congresscritters won't get those sweet government jobs in their district and it will be harder to get reelected so they can funnel more sweet, sweet government money to the contractor. …