Salvatore Corasaniti

Much like all good colts who have suffered injuries, Andrew Luck will retire to a lovely farm upstate.

* grabs shotgun *

* takes Luck out back *

I guess you could say Indy's luck out.

Dearest Mother,

But as long as revenue sharing guarantees us to make literally 118 million dollars, I really don’t care.

A non-guaranteed deal seems nuts for Howard and actually very shrewd for the lakers. For Howard, it not only means if you make a bad joke after a loss and Davis gets pissed at you, you’re gone, but if you tweak a knee two weeks in, youre gone, all with zero dollars. For Pelinka/LeBron, it’s win win all the way. If it

Finally, a priest I can really get behind.

Meanwhile, Old Man Rooney has developed a case of senioritis and got sent off in the 1st half today. He might very well get drunk and arrested on every team flight the rest of the year. Ole Kamara’s goal was nice, though.

If they’re trying to have a European style Soccer fanbase then, yeah, you’ll get some Nazis.

Jesus FC

> How many neo-nazi \ alt-right people are going to be attending MLS games anyway?

MLS openly supports the Pride movement (as it damn well should), including rainbow flags & kits, but yet somehow also wants to court the neo-nazis?

And he was still better than the garbage Plaschke manages to churn out.

The jury must have been filled with old white men scared shitless about losing their own jobs.

He says he wants to be some lucky team’s Draymond Green.

Fuckin hell, I’m a mediocre middle-aged white man, where do I get in on this shit?

as a heat fan I have a healthy amount of hate (and begrudgingly respect) for the spurs but this may be one of the best basketball gifs I’ve ever seen

Dwight’s greatest contribution as a Laker might have been this gif: