Salvatore Corasaniti

I would like to share a few comments from my editors, who first heard this take nearly two years ago and still hate it:

I never liked this kid, but he's not wrong here.

While the road trips are great, I do hope we get some stuff of just them chatting. Conversation Street was a good enough “news” replacement that should continue.

I am sure that you have been wondering what Bruce Springsteen’s thoughts on the 2020 election are and reader, wait no longer: He is pretty sure that Trump is going to win. Sorry!”

But enough about our President, folks. Let’s get to the rankings. 

Wait, garlic in your soul is bad? Eff that. Garlic is amazing and I would like to have a soul made of garlic if only to keep the vampires away. 

At the office holiday party, drink three alcoholic beverages.

I don’t even think it’s necessarily about cooking but rather occasionally giving a damn about the quality of stuff you eat. The best thing I ate all year was sliced tomatoes from my own garden on fresh bread from a local bakery with a little mayo. And it was the sort of thing that French people are always talking

It’s always amusing to see people trying to figure out how magic works.  You do realize his performance won the award for magicians and was judged by magicians, right?  It’s the routine, the performance, that won.  Don’t try to figure it out, just enjoy it. 

Glad this family is safe and sorry for the people who’ve lost their homes  

I’m taking my wins where I can. Malevolence tempered by incompetence seems to be the watchword for this administration.

Democrats won the House and the House controls the budget.

They’ve called the race for Spanberger against Brat! So proud of my fellow Virginians! I know Gillum’s loss is devastating, but his win was going to be a complete outlier if it did happen. However, Spanberger winning against Tea Party/Trumpster favorite Brat on a local level is fucking HUGE!!!!

Marvel: That’s cute.

Marvel: That’s cute.

There was very little to it beyond that "harrowing" aspect, though. Even setting aside how tremendously stupid Jon was, as an episode it was just not engaging. Blackwater showed the battle from so many angles, with so many stakes for each character, that it had both value as a "battle" episode and as a

The Witch King of Angmar brought 150,000 men and Orcs to the pelennor fields. They greatly outnumbered the men and elves fighting for Gondor and Rohan, but all those ghosts that Aragorn talked into helping should count.

Now I would do most anything
To get you back by my cave
But I just keep on laughing
Hiding the tears in my [bee]hives
‘Cause bears don’t cry
Bears don’t cry
Bears don’t cry

Pictured: Manny Graves

The egregious and terrible nature of the core take here almost distracts from the absolutely heinous addendum about the best kind of pizza.