Salvatore Corasaniti

Different subject but can everyone please remember that tomorrow is World Homeless Day. Homelessness can affect any one, thankfully I'm not homeless anymore. If you see a homeless person please try to help, maybe a coffee, food, most homeless people I know are lonely and it doesn't take 2 minutes to ask how somebody

My poor little cousin shared her story of assault with her Trump supporter mother only to be told ‘So what?’

I told her that unfortunately, her mom got hers, retired, and fuck everybody else.

The very rude elevator screamers are paid professionals only looking to make Senators look bad. Don’t fall for it! Also, look at all of the professionally made identical signs. Paid for by Soros and others. These are not signs made in the basement from love! #Troublemakers

I’m starting to think this Mitch McConnell guy is a bit of conscience-free, partisan, hate-filled asshole.

‘The Trump administration has sued California for restoring net neutrality after the FCC struck it down last year.’

I think the fix is simple: leave the ugly branding and microtransactions as is (heck, make ‘em WORSE) for the cosmetic stuff. Make it impossible to get the best shoes without a deal, make it impossible to get your crib or car or whatever looking the most ridiculous without buying VC or something. But separate ALL the

Ugh, the MyTeam mode sounds awful.

Oh no, I certainly didn’t mean to imply that my player has reached his ceiling. It’s theoretically possible for me to get him all the way to a 99 overall, eventually. But the grind is really incredibly slow and tedious, if you’re not willing to spend real-world money on VC. And it’s very gross that one of the ways you

Hardcore 2k player here: To me, the MyTeam mode is the one that really is the worst of all worlds.

It’s always nice to be told I don’t understand the subject matter by someone who didn’t understand the article.

In the abstract, I don’t have a problem with the game throttling your progress or funneling your player into certain discrete skillsets, both so that the online experience isn’t crammed with uniform Giannis clones and for the sake of trying to simulate something like the grind of improving as an NBA player. But

19 hours in a tube makes a good case for supersonic flight.

1. I’m an Arsenal fan (insert Thursday night football joke), and I generally hate every other team. But I’ll be goddamned if I don’t enjoy the hell out of watching Liverpool. And I love Klopp- wish we’d hired him 5 years ago when we had a chance. This warmth of feeling does not extend to their supporters, who can get

I’ll be that guy. I thought this fight was way more in GGG’s favor than the first one was. Canelo was out on his feet for the last six rounds of this fight, and GGG probably won at least half of the first six rounds of the fight.

At the moment, he toils for free.

Ask not for whom Le’Veon Bell toils. 

Of course they have flamethrowers, man. The fuckin’ pigeons in Philly have .45s. They want to protect that field from gophers and ground squirrels, they need to be at least as well equipped as a Marine weapons company.

She did not take it like a champ. Serena takes the majority of the blame for this fiasco. She’s the one who ruined Naomi’s victory with her behavior.