At that moment, Huertas went, “Uh oh.”
At that moment, Huertas went, “Uh oh.”
Who started cutting onions in here?!
The bears agree.
“One nation, under God, indivisible (except by race, creed, political leaning, and the word HYOOOGE) with liberty and justice for Christians only”
Can we get a running count of how many amendments Trump wants to troll/break?
They’re half the reason I read the articles now. I feel like there needs to be an open thread of Trump nicknames among the Gawker staff now.
Degloved zoo penis
It’s the Michael Vick response.
Calling Trump’s hair a wig is an insult to wigs.
What about “Yeah Aldo”?
That’s a WADA trouble for Russian sports.
Railroad Engineers would like to have a word with you.
You can respect the story without respecting the lunatic he’s become.
I think there are three things which need to be done well:
Jesus, Houston.
I detect high sodium output here.