Not for me—it takes a few more episodes than just four.
Matheson's I AM LEGEND, Bentley Little's THE SUMMONING, and THE LIGHT AT THE END.
Good call on THEY THIRST. That novel would make one hell of a miniseries.
It would be like a Jedi version of his Van Helsing from the Hammer Dracula films….
Watch it anyway—even though it has them. You may actually like them in SW:TCW.
And….those "stupid droids"? You mean Threepio and Artoo? But they were in the original Trilogy as well.
The GREEN LANTERN series on CN was a good replacement—but it was gone after one season. They still managed to end things on a good note, with the idea that there would be future adventures.
YOUNG JUSTICE—now I have no idea what the hell CN and DC were thinking when they cancelled the show. Great show, with great…
It's meant as a…well, it's a sequel, if you want to use the term, but they do follow a style similar to Tartakovsky's (but it works). The difference is that the episodes are 25-30 minutes and there are story arcs throughout the seasons.
But it is worth watching. It's well done and well-acted, and it does things quite…
Hell, there are _some_ nice things about the Prequels (and Christopher Lee is one of them…). From a visual point of view, I loved the designs and how one could see them start to move towards the look of the first Trilogy. No, I did not like them as much as the Original Trilogy, but I didn't start running around…
Actually, the "Greedo shoots first" was from the "Special Edition" released in 1997. As far as I know, that has nothing to do with the Prequels.
The other stuff, yeah.
It's definitely worth watching. I'm a bit jealous, since you're getting to see it pretty much cold, but hang on, because each season improved upon the other.
Well, it's based on a book, so the question is, how much of the book will they follow and how much will they add to keep it going?
Yep. Who would've pictured Plummer playing a Shakespeare-quoting Klingon? Not me…but he knocked that one out of the park.
Hell, he's also been in Star Trek (VOYAGER, guest appearance in the two-parter "Year of Hell")! And BROKEN ARROW….
Forgot to take the finger of Shift—or just didn't notice the "Caps Lock" light was on?
Just asking….
I've heard good things about IN THE FLESH. I'll definitely have to give it a look.
Good. Then it'll be worth the watch.
Upvote for that….but then again, ROBOCOP (the original) made me a fan of Smith…so all I can see is him pulling out a shotgun, pulling the trigger, and making some wisecrack.
"But it’s hard to look at Resurrection and not see all of the nerve that broadcast networks have lost."