
Being able to restart sounds very exploitative - I dared not try in case I lost my chance to complete the mission. Having played Paris to death I knew Larin was the curator, I had heard NPC characters talking about him and knew he had two offices on the first floor. One with the balcony and ladder to the attic, and

Perhaps some of the hate is due to people who are disenfranchised with the franchise? (That does make grammatical sense right)? As a one time fan of call of duty I found myself getting more and more bored of the lack of ingenuity and freshness in each offering, Modern Warfare was great, Modern Warfare 2 was the utter

I get what you are saying about “if you are not left with more questions than answers then it isn’t metal gear”, but if its advertised as the last metal gear game ever you expect those questions to be answered fully as we will never get a chance to revisit it. We now need a full on sequel that elaborates, and

Completely agree with everything in this article. Having pre-ordered the game and following its development for the past few years I had high expectations that this would finally tie up all of the loose ends, and show the full transformation of snake into the villainous big boss. I took my time this past month