Ahhh, who cares what Gingrich thinks about anything. He looks like what happens to Cabbage Patch Dolls when they grow up.
Ahhh, who cares what Gingrich thinks about anything. He looks like what happens to Cabbage Patch Dolls when they grow up.
Ugh, it was an awful flight. There was a baby crying, they ran out of V8, and this guy in a lumpy suit grabbed me by the pussy.
I hate myself for it, but I can’t be the only asshole that thought of a butt joke with that headline.
Woah, what a guy! He “won’t defend” racism and sexual assault! This is the hero the Republican party deserves.
Remember that scene at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark where they unleash the old Testament ghosties who start killing all the Nazis, and there’s a few regular Nazi soldiers who were sort of minding their own business but the ghosties killed them too, and for a second you’re like hey man what did those guys do…
He and his legal team are literally throwing shit at the wall to see what will stick at this point.Since Cosby is made of shit, this means they won’t run out of ammo for a long time.
I notice that every time an institution gets a strong pattern of multiple sexual-harassment lawsuits against it— fraternities, the US Military, McDonald’s, Fox News, private schools, the Catholic Church, etc.— it always seems that the institution has a Zero Tolerance Policy towards sexual harassment, and that such…
Working a job in fast food is hard enough without having to worry about your boss grabbing your ass. Ronald McDonald you need to get your fucking house in order.
After his family pulled guns on federal employees who were just doing their jobs, I think it’s to late.
The Irish dilemma. If you have a potato do you eat it now or wait for it to ferment and drink it.
This whole anti PC bullshit on the right is just amazingly bad. They have taken the idea of “political correctness” and applied it to things that used to be just “basic human decency”. Sure, some things are just ridiculous, almost all of those things are one offs or made up or exaggerated in chain emails/Facebook…
Lisa Ling needs to do a segment where she heads on out to O’Reilly’s house and asks him questions about those saucy Irish tempers. I mean, it’s all in good fun and I’d love to know if it’s an “Irish” thing to cheat on your wife and then try to get her excommunicated when she divorces you.
This is fucked up on so, so many levels more important than this, but: karate is Japanese. They can’t even get their racism right.
Bundy described federal government officials as modern day conquerers who understand the power they can have over populations by claiming resources, which is exactly what he believes is being done to ranching families across the country.
It’s for my children, grandchildren… Everything comes from the Earth and if [the government] can get control of the resources, they can get control of the people.”
i originally wrote “well show us a pic then” BUT I WAS ABLE TO GOOGLE and i humbly second your nomination