
That is so fucking true. Part of my job is to track legislation related to abortion in several states and every single one of them has a bill proposed that regulates the disposal of fetal remains after abortions. I think 7 of the 8 also have bills forbidding the “sale” of “human body parts.” This is what her lies have

She’s not totally wrong. Feminism IS about getting to choose who you want to be and to live exactly how you want. The problem is that you also don’t get to tell other people who they get to be/how to act/what they should do with their body.......

While I suspend my candidacy today, I will continue to travel this country and fight for those Americans who refuse to settle for the way things are and a status quo that no longer works for them.

She had a supporter?

This may be the best thing Johnny Depp has ever done.


Asking a person to trade seats with you so that you can sit with a partner is only okay if you’re offering up a better seat. Never expect anyone to trade their window or aisle seat for a middle.

Speaking as a big guy who has flown with some frequency: I get it, fat’s gross. It’s especially gross when it’s attached to somebody else and touching you. No one knows this better than the fat person who has to look at themselves in the mirror every day, and I am well aware it’s 100% my fault that I’m fat and you

“Also please keep in mind that there is literally no discipline on earth that can prevent a kid of a certain age from kicking the seat in front of him/her. Sometimes you get a kid who kicks your seat. That’s part of the Social Compact.”

If you are shorter than the person seated behind you please do not recline your seat.

I was once on a flight to Las Vegas. A young girl got sick and threw up in a barf bag just as we landed.

Thank you, Madeleine.

Can we talk about people who get their pets registered as “emotional support animals” in order to bring them aboard the flight? Not only is this extremely obnoxious to your neighbors on a full flight, forcing people with allergies to switch seats and people without allergies to deal with a potentially

I’m one of those folks that’s too big for airplane seats. On a flight from NYC to London, my seat-mate asked each passing flight attendant (loudly, with great entitlement) if there were any other seats on the plane, or if not, if she could get a partial refund for her discomfort. When they finally confirmed that she

I respect your self-respect and your commitment to another era’s standards. Sadly, you are of the past.

My biggest one: if you recline your seat as far back as it goes on a coach/economy flight, you are a goddamn monster.

Also, unless there is an empty seat between you, NEVER push up the dividing armrest. It is down for a reason- my space on this side, your space on that side. This is a sacred and powerful divider. Even if parts of you are spilling under it and squeezing against my thighs, I can pretend that it impossible because the

As we address the inappropriate behavior displayed by several students ...

Two of these assaults took place on the bus.