
Looks like it’s time to clean them again.

There is a snake on this motherfucking plane.

Hopefully after this he won’t go back, Jack, and do it again.

Amen, sister. Almost 32 and still baby-free, thanks to my fear of penises as a teenager, and a free supply of slut pills as an adult. THANKS OBAMA.

This is why whenever I need to get some food, I just go to the supermarket and hang out by the checkout. I get to be in close proximity to people who have food, which is the same as having it, yourself.

Hell, it’s not even trickle down economics anymore. Apparently, you’re supposed to just be happy to be in the physical vicinity of that kind of money.

Hey Donald, you raped your wife.

I kinda agree with Trump on this one. When was the last time you heard Bill Clinton talk about his daughter being so good looking that he would date her if he had the chance? Sounds like sexism to me smh.

Typical. Even when the man is at fault, he puts the blame on the woman that man is married to. BECAUSE THAT MAKES SENSE.

What an absolute piece of shit that guy is.

Have fun shitting your pants hateful asshole.

Monsters get good lawyers so that innocents get good lawyers.

lol, maybe both. In all honesty, this is precisely why I didn’t go into criminal law. Prosecutors spend too much time on shit that I think hurts more than helps (low level drug offences, for one), and public defenders have to deal with this dilemma regularly. So I opted for civil practice, where I get to pick my

Yeah, problem is Bill that Football does have rules about illegal touching and making a pass to an ineligible receiver.

I want to punch every person who is against refugees in the face. How can you turn people away when this is what they are fleeing? What woman (or child) would want to stay and be forced into sexual slavery?

And yet they think they are in the right, and that they will be welcomed to paradise upon their death. Any God who would allow these rapists into any kind of paradise, is a God I don’t ever want to meet.

This makes me feel hollow. What a way to spend your time on Earth. My heart is heavy for these women and girls.

Right to work does not equal at will employment. Basically every state is at will employment, only some forbid unions charging non-members for services or forbid Union only shops (right to work). In no state is it legal to fire you for union activity.

My union worked without a contract for years. It sounds like your mom’s rep is a piece of shit, but if the union is useless it’s because the rank and file won’t organize. Your executive board can’t get anything done without the rank and file behind them. Look at what they have been doing in Seattle and in Chicago.

I don’t think we’re beyond unions and in fact we still need them. Companies would have no problem going back to how things used to be before unions. In some industries, things are pretty bad for workers due to different laws that have been passed.