pertty much 99% of women in history are “badder “than Taylor Swift. Can we start a war between her and Beyonce’s fan bases? Not an online one - but an actual one.
pertty much 99% of women in history are “badder “than Taylor Swift. Can we start a war between her and Beyonce’s fan bases? Not an online one - but an actual one.
Jumbo shrimp
Well he sold it on eBay. Maybe they plan to leave him negative feedback.
Doesn’t matter who they add to the cast, FtWD is a genuinely terrible show.
In a show about dead people coming back to life to eat other people, your biggest problem is ceiling tiles?
I’ve watched this show kill off major and minor characters without averting my eyes. I even watched the Glenn & Abraham kills AGAIN when that ep re-aired. I can watch all manner of godawfulness befall humans, on TWD or anywhere else. But a completely fake tiger? Nopenopenope. Couldn’t do it, can’t do it, won’t do it,…
Arizona has all three of those chains now, we are apparently a frontier town to test alliances.
In N Out shall hold forth west of the Rockies, while Shake Shack shall maintain sway over the region east of the Mississippi, and Culver’s shall occupy the land betwixt them, and there in shall be the peace.
What’s he talking about? The A.V. Club has added so many great things. Like how if I want to continue reading a thread the site spazzes out and doesn’t thread the conversation anymore, or how there’s a random 5 second waiting period to use it on a phone, to replacing critics like Donna Bowman and TDVW with people I…
I don’t even go to the TV Club page anymore, unless I want to see if I’m missing a feature or something. I just go to the reviews page directly to see what reviews have been posted. The link is here:
Just as an FYI, AV Club, I don’t know why this site has been eating its TV reviews lately but Curb is nowhere to be found on the TV Club page. I had to Google the show to find your review of it. This has happened multiple times before and I don’t even go on here all that often anymore. Now I don’t really care about…
this show is testing my patience. I can abide nonsense, its a zombie apocalypse show for Chrissakes, but come on- Morgan can’t catch 10 people shackled together running through rough hills in the woods? Morgan can’t fight/beat ONE single decaying half-zombie skeleton? The chase alone was embarassing to watch- Morgan…
Oh and that whole not killing the people that Jesus is going on about. Ties into how this arc ends.
it’s entirely possible the writers legitimately forgot dale and carol’s daughter even existed
Twist and tuck under.
Lowest bar possible.
Joey Dumba$$