Sean Cooper

Yes. What kills me that no one realizes that “Democrats” don’t mean “Washington.” There are millions of Democrats out in the states busting their asses. They deserve our support and credit. Not our constantly belittling their accomplishments as flukey or lucky.

It’s almost as if national parties don’t fully capture the nuances of local constituents.

The kind with a thought process that doesn’t involve his position scripted for him by the party. That’s the problem with both parties here, demanding strict adherence to the platform. A Democrat in a deep red district elected by a slim margin should reflect some conservative principles if he is to be an appropriate

I mean being pro union and pro choice sounds more liberal than a lot of people who I’ve met who also identify as ‘liberal’.

Lesson to be learned: Trump is unpopular and causing the Republicans to lose.

Like Lamb to a laughter!

Spoiler alert:

Hahahahahaha This is great. I’ll just be over here laughing until the crippling anxiety and impotent rage take over again.

Trump’s not a gentleman, So doesn’t have to abide by any so-called gentleman’s agreement.

Remember when many people couldn’t vote for Ed Muskie because ‘he cried’? Recall when Al Gore supposedly ‘invented the internet’? Can you call to mind Dukasis being stupid in a tank? Dumb moves all, but all to be overplayed by our current fearless leader.

I head something about this on NPR a year ago. He really didn’t yell. It was because of his proximity to the mic. Sadly, even if he did yell everyday at everyone, it still wouldn’t be as bad as this.

One of the most fascinating lectures I ever heard was while Reagan was still in office. The visiting lecturer showed piece by piece; policy decision by policy decision; how many of Reagan’s ideas were shaped by films in Hollywood. Both films in which he starred and other popular ones of the era. Star Wars was just one

Not so much a gentleman’s agreement as international law signed and ratified by the US and 107 other countries including Russia, FIFTY FUCKING YEARS AGO.

His “Space Force” being a new branch of the military would obviously have to increase defense spending by 20%.

Aww, space-age arms aren’t that bad. Sometimes they just want to give you a hug.

People in the military have been talking about it for years and yet he is able to make it sound even stupider with a single statement.

I love the term Space Force. It sounds like one of those Turkish Star Wars knockoffs.

We’ve seen this film, before. At least some of us.

Remember that one time when Howard Dean enthusiastically yelled on stage?

Wasn’t there some international agreement (or at least some unspoken gentlemen’s agreement) that we wouldn’t militarize outer space?