Scooby Dont

i thought you were fired...


dont worry - thats just not true

Blacks will vote for blacks

Good takeaway!

who cares

thanks for ...making this about you liking beef, I guess?

That he’ll lose?

I dont understand why Kim can’t wear cornrows

He should be charged with assault

research says otherwise

You lost me in the second paragraph...

oh brother..

After reading the responses to you, hopefully now you’ll understand why I no longer take sides -

That’s you - Evidence of most people suggests the opposite to be true (this is a FAR left website - everyone here will agree with you so ya cant take comfort in that)

okay, that’s one

The problem is that part of the reason for that graph is that the older people get, the more conservative we get


And yet, many didn’t, like, you 

Tish James is terrible