Damn it, Musk.
Damn it, Musk.
Why is it good to be a Daddy’s girl, but bad to be a Momma’s boy?
It is very well done.
Nissan Maxima: The Official Car of Unnecessary Inherently Aggressive Driving
Sadly, it is special because of all of the teenage boys you will attract filming you for YouTube.
What next, 420 counts of drug offences?
Is the rest of the movie as good as this?
What’s wrong with Chris? At least he can actually drive.
And Chris Harris.
Would it be better or worse if they called it the Parcar?
Rule #1 on Gawker sites: don’t say what you just said.
I have a kidney for sale.
Up to you!
I’m saying the same stuff Jason said. So he shouldn’t say it either?
This is a copy and paste comment I just made to someone else:
Of course everyone should protect their stuff, that should be common practice. What I meant was to target the cause, not find a way around the problem.
Every time it happens I forget why I commented on the FP.
Obviously no harm in protecting, but as Jim said, wraps won’t protect from carrying the weight of a human being. Idiots need to fuck off, no matter how expensive or cheap the car is.