
So this car is an S Class Coupe sedan lowered-SUV coupe sedan on stilts?

I hate how all these things on the internet/media make it seem as if ONLY Apple products are capable of doing crazy new things, when they’re only as capable as other devices, and maybe even less capable.

Would it even have brakes strong enough to do that?

Yeah... no...

#7 is awesome!

On tonight’s episode of “1% problems”...

It’s smiling at youuu

The listing on the Barnes & Noble link is missing.

When else did a manufacturer or dealer go beyond the call of duty for you?

If that guy doesn’t get caught, Landa still might get some sort of revenge. Those super skinny jeans will get stuck on that guy’s legs, cut off his blood circulation, and send him right to the hospital. Hopefully.

“Stop, never say ‘can’t’ to a customer. I thought this was Apple, not some fly by night operation.”

Isn’t Button’s future also unknown?

I have so many wants for this.


Am I the only one who would want just regular doors?

S!CK V4NZ BRUAH!!!21!1111111111123`~

All that song reminds me of is this.

Like iPhones?

That we like street racing.

I made a stupid comment after the fact that I didn’t even read the article. You can call me stupid and it is entirely my fault. It is too late to edit the original comment to reflect that and I have been trying to explain to many other people how I messed up.