
Oh come on...

In Area 50.

The reason for the egg shape was because of a gentlemen’s agreement between the track’s owner/builder and a neighbor to not encroach on the neighbor’s minnow farm. That’s why there is a tighter radius on the the one corner and the cars have to be set-up for it and to handle the faster, wider turn on the other side as

Exactly the high-quality, late-breaking, investigative reporting we’ve all come to expect from Jalopnik.

Now playing

This guy should have realized that this is only a Jeep thing

Consider the price of these on Factory Five Forum I vote Crack Pipe. this one is selling for $23,900. he also has another complete for $19,500

When I’m working, yes I know I’m gonna be
I’m gonna be the man who’s working hard for you
And when the money, comes in for the work I do
I’ll give up every single paycheck just for you
When I come home (when I come home) well I know I’m gonna be
I’m gonna be the man who comes back home to you
And if I hoon on’ (before I

Great novel. Would read again.

This made me go look at Acura’s lineup, where I promptly fell asleep. Now that I’m well rested, I’m checking Acura’s lineup and will report back after a quick nap because my eyes are getting heavy.

Any soldier so undisciplined and small minded that repealing DADT is going to destroy their “morale, welfare, and discipline” sent back to basic training to have adulthood beaten into them.

Have you considered submitting a request for interview with some of these guys? I think that would be very enlightening to see specifically what their plans and goals and policies would be with regard to defense funding and application. I’m sure some of these guys would be amenable to it since it would help to tease

Remember, when loading your vehicle, heaviest stuff goes on top. Gravity gets weaker with respect to distance away from the earth so the higher up it is, the less it weighs. Its science

That time in the 70’s when Bernie Ecclestone stole every revenue generating aspect of Formula 1. Greatest. Heist. Ever.

Ford; stole Ferrari’s thunder

Faux pass

Stupid tree should have gotten out of the ‘lanche’s way.

in all honesty,why not have the Jalopnik community as a whole attempt to purchase this. If video game kick starter programs can receive a few million dollars, I don't see why we could not collectively come together, own and produce said vehicles, and those who have supplied moneyget a stake in the company.

Mazda - Car’s wrecked. Not our fault, but we’ll replace it anyway. That looks good, right?

Governer: So what all is Tesla trying to do?

You know who should be setting speed limits? The engineers responsible for designing the roads in the first fucking place. Not some politician trying to make things seem good and nice and safe. Trust the people actually involved int he science of making a road safe.