Mrs. Nesbitt

Good advice. It sucks that we’re still dealing with enough stigma about mental illness that tips like this are needed, but they totally are. I remember at some point feeling comfortable enough at work that I let it slip to some coworkers that I struggled with depression and took antidepressants, and a couple were

This is what I said to anyone who ever told me I’d make a good teacher. Teaching, like playing a piano, takes TALENT. And it’s a rare teacher (not coach!) that can do both. Making the difficult easy is soooooo hard!

Yeah, dick moves like that are indicative of professors who may well be brilliant in their respective field(s), but really have no business being anywhere near a classroom.

The primary reason I bridle every time someone trots out that old “those who can’t, teach” bit of bullshit is that teaching—if it’s done

...I never do, because being snarky with a student, even at the college level, can damage the learning process—but still, I admit that the thought is sometimes there.

Pictured: Editor prepping for the Milo manuscript.

I find editing poorly written things from people I don’t like savagely enjoyable.

I imagine it would be one long breakdown. I hope he had alcohol/some other soothing substance to help him along.

Speaking as someone who’s been on both sides of that process, be prepared for said feed to include copious amounts of whiskey, scotch, or very good beer.

...possibly all three, depending upon the manuscript.

This was my question, too. Being of Scotch-Irish heritage, I’m both a ginger, and white as the driven snow—and while I have no qualms with Islam, I have about as much desire to convert to it as I do to Christianity, Judaism, or any other organized religion.

That is to say: none.

Some of these editorial comments contain the force and “good lord, do you read the things you type” sentiment that I sometimes dream of including in responses to student essays.

...I never do, because being snarky with a student, even at the college level, can damage the learning process—but still, I admit that the

My adviser was going through the last stage of the tenure process when I was submitting my dissertation. I honestly don’t think she did more than skim it. The upshot was that passing was a very straightforward process.

I would watch a live feed of this editor working in real time. Seriously.

If your dissertation director was as, um, honest as mine, then these comments are mild to slightly stinging. My favorite: “This sentence is merely words vomited upon the page. It doesn’t even qualify as a sentence. Sentences have structure even if the grammar is poor. This ‘thought’ resembles a piece of gum sticking

I don’t think he’s mentally ill - he’s just milking the schtick for money. He lost his funding from the Mercers, so he’s on the revenue hunt.

Handy reminder that having a British accent doesn’t mean you’re smart.

“It’s no wonder that gingers convert to Islam in such high numbers.”

Holy shit, and I thought my dissertation was poorly written. Maybe it’s not a good idea to give a huge advance to someone who is only famous for being an asshole?

Milo is saying in what a lot of horrible misogynstic men and looksist people think. The difference is he’s saying it openly instead of on reddit/get paid for it.

Yet there comes a point where a person is so heinous, it doesn’t matter. Fuck them.

Wow. This has me at the point where I feel sorry for this individual for harboring so much hate. He’s gotta be mentally ill, right? Because this is not healthy.