Russell Norris

awesome show was never a half hour. always 15 minutes. felt about right imo.

thanks. perhaps moving such a disclaimer to the first paragraph might be helpful to readers like me who suspected it could be spoiler-free but who know all too well that that isn't always the case. readers don't always know a site's [or writer's policy] or trust them without being said. seriously though, thanks for a

exactly why are you reviewing a show 3 days before we can view it? how can this not just be chock full of spoilers? honest question because i skipped reading it because of this fear but wanted to know the rationale. or if i'm wrong and it's… something… else?

this is some Trumpian april fool's day joke right? blaming poor sales on Thor, Ms Marvel, Squirrel Girl… you know… stuff i find worth reading?

i can't figure out to down or up vote that pun

cmon. every single comment on every single other article on AV Club about Car Seat has been a competition to see who's most clever about shittalking a band purely based on their name. because we're clever folk who know that books SHOULD be judged by their covers and titles.

i love when rappers do this. like 6 "rhymes" in a row will be the same word. lol

"best clone" for me doesn't mean the one i am most like or would most like to hang with but the one with the best storylines. gimme alison's storylines over cosima's any day.

but but but… everyone knows the best clone is Alison. ;) [for reals imo, no snark]

am i the only person who thinks Cosima is the worst [written] clone? she never makes the right decision. she never makes the RATIONAL, sciency decision. she's the most swayed by emotions of any of them. yet sarah [and others, in show and out] seem think she's soooooo cool and soooooo smart. not me. am i really alone??

you won the internet for me with this one!

oh if you ENJOY [or at least don't mind] not getting definitive answers then sure. i'm like that. i didn't get that. and was genuinely trying to dissuade a viewer like that from spending time watching something that would never pay off for them. there's so much good television out there, no one should spend time

also no offense again ;)

sounds like another "this is not the show for you". ;)

no offense but this probably isn't the show for you. the producers gleefully refuse to answer all the questions like this and tie things up with neat little bows. there's a lot of other great tv out there though, most of it with less intentional, willful mystery.

was i the only person to understand the "incentives" to refer to "we've got some family member hostage and you better play along with us"? seemed clear to me.