
Now I wanna jump in his game.

God bless the internet.

He’s got the jazz hands to be a star that’s for sure.

No, no you don’t. You lose the most heat from your greatest mass, your torso.

Doesn’t matter is she is one of the good ones or not, he still happily supports a man who would never rent her an apartment.

Ahh yes, Trump is an actal fraud, an actual admitted sexual predator but what about Clinton’s emails? Fuck you, just fuck you.

Fuck you, or did you miss the part of the campaign where Trump supporters were urged by theior canddiate to assaultpeople. Did you miss the part with the deeply racist and sexist statements such as Mexicans are all diseased rapists and “lock up the bitch!” and “grab’em by the pussy? Did you fucking miss the entire

Or his Korean cousin, Hot Pot

Cedric began his career at Ventura College and those fuckers never let ya forget it.

I didn’t either.

This ... this ... this is what our nation’s military academies produce, THIS!

+9 minutes stoppage time.

You don’t know what paperwork he submitted and neither do Liverpool because Cameroon won’t communicate. He retired nearly two years ago and told the federation he wasn’t going to play international football. This all on Cameroon and FIFA and they weren’t fucking courteous he was threatened with sanctions this past

They know how to welcome a visitor

Bernie Fucking Sanders has been in congress for nearly 40 fucking years and doesn’t have one fucking piece of progressive legislation to his name. This fucking Monday morning quarterbacking and constant fucking whining from white Democrats who can’t get past the idea that Sanders fucking conned them is fucking galling.

I was a huge Berman fan in the early days (think Tom Mees still alive) because he and I shared one passion and that was the history of the NFL. I knew all his references and I knew all the legends and their stories and he was able to bring that to life in a way far different from the brilliance of NFL Films.

Trump lied, outright lied. Now take your false equivalency and fuck back off to Breitbart. Keep your fucking stupid at home.

Oh come on, that’s Mississippi, Ole Miss.

When I was growing up we just called that snack Corn Nuts. Hardest tooth-cracking snack to have evern been bagged.

And with a corporate approved Silly Walks no less.