
I feel like as a Stephen King horror fan, this movie didn’t really do much for me. It was well made and the acting/makeup was fine, it’s just not a great or vital adaptation, and hardly scary in the way King horror typically is. Pretty much exactly how I imagined an adaptation of IT directed by the guy who made

mass shooting

This is an odd argument I hear a lot, and almost exclusively with regards to Star Wars. How many other movies have you seen where you already knew the ending?

The Kessel Run job is what put him in debt to Jabba. He had to ditch the goods to get away, probably jettisoning the cargo in some way to slingshot around The Maw. And the cargo (actually Bantha manure) splattered all over a bounty hunter convention that was taking place on Cloud City which was also located around The

Jon was “Fire and Ice” the moment he was conceived. Rhaegar Targaryan and Lyanna Stark, Fire and Ice. Jon is the song, not Jon and Dany.

And, it saves $1.1 million per episode for the final season.

Not with LEDs

Okay, I’ve given it two weeks to settle in but honestly I fall on the side of the people who were not impressed with this movie. My complaints echo the others. Too many call outs (tell your story, damnit), not enough character development, pacing, Grand Moff Tarkin, etc.... The more we hear of changes the more I’d

The opportunity was ripe to send Rex and Rob away on miniature motorcycles.

Honestly, more time spent on Mads and his choice to defect from the Empire would have been more interesting that the petty office politics we ended up with. His story line basically boiled down to “he used to work for the empire, but then he had a change of heart,” which is fine, but we got pretty much no insight onto

What backlash? What criticism? What concern? All I see is a few loudmouths trying to score some points and get some clicks online. Leave WestWorld to the story and not to be catered to anyone or any special group of people. If the story requires to focus on a particular characters sexuality then please go ahead, but

Driver’s seat?

As a mother of a child on the spectrum, can you please dismiss any comments mocking Trump for having an autistic child? I hate Trump with a fiery passion, but that shit is off limits.

I don’t understand why people think there are multiple time periods. We see the Man in Black interact with Dolores’ original father, the same one that glitches out. Then we see her new father (the one with the mustache) get murdered and Dolores runs away from home to meet up with William (Jimmi Simpson). William and

Pretty wild that Stormfront can’t find a single fucking grammar nazi.

Sending a script to a “script doctor” or ironing out the problems beforehand would cost extra money and, more importantly, might delay the production. This causes a problem because, to executives, the preselected release date is the most important thing and is the thing that all their merchandising is based around.

I’ve always loved Macbooks, but it looks like the one I’m using will be my last. I can’t stand behind these half hight buttons. I need a keyboard that’s easy to type on, and that’s always been synonymous with MacBooks. Losing those millimeters is losing functionality, and what are laptops for if not functionality? 

I have to agree with this. I just didn’t get any sense of bad-assery here either.

I got it when I first saw the movie without the director explaining it to me, it’s a garbage scene in my opinion. The only worse scene in the movie is the JJA fanservice in the beginning where Poe says to KR “how do we do this you talk first I talk first?” What an awful line, didn’t work in Lost, doesn’t work when

Could you tell us without making us watch a YT video?