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    It’s also what Viserys said in (I think) the first episode.

    No one suddenly clutching their pearls about the people killed when the dragon broke through, would be saying a word if that dragon was being ridden by a white dude.

    Murdering a bunch of innocent peasants for the sake of a grand entrance

    I have not seen any of the Halloween reboots

    Vinyl remains one of the worst television shows I’ve ever watched all of.

    His, albeit, limited role in the Ocean movie was one of my favorite scenes.

    Screw the movies, I’d like to offer up Dean Munsch as her best performance. You can tell she absolutely loved it too.

    Okay... yeah but now I REALLY want a Big Lebowski truck

    visually I would’ve thought those playing the aged up Aegon and Aemond were switched 

    100% agreed on Paddy Considine. Probably the best performance of the season - I hope he gets nominated for something for that.

    I’m going to guess it’s the daughter who got lectured about “If you want a dragon, them claim it and don’t sit on your ass thinking it’s just going to be yours, just because.”

    Alicent’s rage is justified. She’s been fearing for her children’s lives, and here it is. A son maimed! A preposterous 4-on-1 assault on her sweet little boy! King Viserys needs to wake the fuck up! Bastards have no claim, and pretending they do has simply destabilized The Realm! Alicent, a woman who has done her

    Week after week most people tune in

    Yay, public domain shit! Cuts down on licensing/development costs!

    if the first film was subversively “a romantic comedy,” and the second one was subversively “a family film,” then what pseudo-clean, sanitized genre will this instalment skewer?

    It’s not *quite* the first explicit Disney-era reference to KotoR.

    The book never made it 100% certain that all of Rhaynera’s children were bastards, it was just presented as an extremely likely possibility.

    We’ve only got three episodes left until the end of the season

    You left out Flowers in the Attic.

    I guess I must be the only one that took that Daemon scene that his killing her was actually what she wanted. After Rhea spooks the horse and it falls on her, she knows she’s screwed. Paralyzed from the neck down isn’t really an easy life in Westeros. I took her needling and condescending Daemon about his dysfunction a