
Ridiculously awesome. Take out the Windows 7 part and replace it with Chrome OS or simply a full browser and I would buy this now.

They scanned public wifi to obtaion location data so when your GPS is disabled on your phone it can still get a reasonably good idea of where you are. It's a legitimate feature.


"in the case of (and in the interest of)" or "in the case (and in the interest) of"

Remind me, again, how you prove something is not possible?

Sorry, meant to reply to the one above you...

Apparently you have never seen those pyramid shaped sour cream packets, which look remarkably like this concept... that or you hate humor. Either way, sorry you did not enjoy my comment.

I actually totally agree with this and it's always bothered me. I've never said this before, but thank you for this article Sam.

This is great until you brush your teeth with sour cream and put toothpaste on your taco.

What exactly would you expect the apology to say?

I think there are quite a few documented cases of this phenomenon. I remember watching a show about a young girl a couple years ago who had something similar happen. It's very intriguing and almost seems like proof God is out there... "Sorry about your head, here".

You win.

Great, I'm never sleeping again thankyouverymuch... >:(

Reading articles about these Sheiks, their fleets of cars and obscene spending literally makes me sick to my stomach.

I can barely solve them sober. I'm good at other things.

Very good point.

I was just on turntable and someone said "ASL" and a ton of people didn't know what it meant. Now I'm depressed.

Wow, this reminds me of a blog I posted a couple years ago...

How is it upside down?