
Is that Steve-O?

I disrespectfully agree with ForTheLulz.

I was thinking "this is bogus, this is bogus, this is bogus"

Okay, so I rather like this idea, but I have a small logistical question... So say microsoft registers the TLD "microsoft".... there would still have to be a domain name entered in the URL. In other words, you couldn't just go to http: // microsoft (for a couple reasons). Since the web is already migrating away from

Is pretending like this isn't cool the current "in" thing? I can't keep up.

But what's in the "little" box?

Don't you ever watch movies? It's always some private party who would benefit from warring sides. Defense contractor or dirty cop starting a gang war... who knows?

I think what it boils down to is that you should act the same on Facebook as you would in your living room when you have friends over. It's okay to show your wife/girlfriend you love her, but try not to annoy the piss out of your friends or make it awkward for anyone.

How can you hack with no CTRL key?!?! ALT+DELETE DOESN'T DO ANYTHING!!!

"Words of Affirmation" are very important to some people. It's nice to hear that you are loved. Sometimes it's even better if other people hear that you are loved. Holding hands, public kisses, a marriage proposal in a busy place... it's really no different to post nice things on Facebook.

And gay means happy.

I'm a developer with NO schooling and this sounds dumb to me.

"And there won't be anything Congress can do about that."

That makes sense. And this guy is dead.

But WHY?


Maybe that's the point.

Same thing happened to me and I don't even own a PS3 and have never played LBP. It was just there.

It's probably 50/50...