
Please tell me I'm not the only one that read "breasts"... twice.

"to which it was chained to".

I committed eSuicide a few months ago myself. I now make every effort to be the same person online, and offline. No masks, no pretending. As someone who believes very strongly in honesty, as online and offline merge, I find it liberating to not have to separate the two. It was almost like a 15 year lie.

I think you're missing the point that this is a frame grab from a video?

I support lane splitting, but wanted to address your comment of our "laws catering to four wheeled vehicles"... maybe it's because like 99% of traffic has four (or more) wheels?

I was expecting some elitist cycling prick that would make me grumpy the rest of the day. Instead I laughed out loud and felt a twinge of sympathy for cyclists.

My guess would be a touchscreen.

I came here to express my surprise too... my CR48 lasts far longer than my two Dell laptops combined. No exaggeration.


But that stuff is already stored on the servers...

Why is it that every crippled dog is named "Lucky"? I consider it divine proof that cat people are right.

Why wouldn't you? Because that would be retarded. I'll be pissed if it's a manual thing... If you take the convenience out of the cloud it's worthless.

I'm not sure what you're talking about, but I like "Beacon".


And keep all your documents on a floppy, too.

I was considering buying a second xbox for the office, primarily for development purposes (but also for wife-free gaming). The cloud save feature pretty much seals that deal.

About game saves? Really?

Meshugah! Dey darker den us!

Am I the only one that doesn't really get the placement or the point of the "Well" at the end of the first paragraph? I think I get it, and I think I might be offended. But since that has never happened before, I'm not really sure.

"Carpentry and joinery" WTF?