
It's a cross if your an Englishman from the 40's. I am not.

I guess all I'm saying is that the Amazon market is not as good as the Android market and if you do plan to buy from them you probably SHOULD do some research, even though I think it's stupid that I have to recommend it.

I'm on Verizon. Also, I think it's a bit silly to do research before downloading a 3 dollar game... ?

My SD card died last week, haven't bought a new one.

Very, very cool. I can't help but think how much more amazing it would be to rig up some gyroscopic camera mount that adjusted the position of the camera in real time locked on the stars instead of doing it all in post-processing. A lot more work, definitely, but man I'd like to see it for some reason.

*braces for torrent of porn-related hashtags*

I think his media analogy is spot on. I'm not even sure it's an analogy...

Also, the tech support guy said that some games require SD and some don't but there is no way to tell which ones do before purchasing.

They did refund my $2.99 after I called them, no questions asked.

I honestly wasn't intending the comment as any type of allegation or insinuating anything at all. It really just made me think of that Chris Farley skit...

So make a tiered plan with new releases costing a bit extra?

Don't worry, it sucks. I wish it didn't work here.

I wish I had waited the two weeks... Not only did it require a wifi connection (which is dumb) but it REQUIRES an SD card. Of course it told me that after I purchased the game. I can't even install it now. Plus, no handy refund like android market has.

Is PvZ ONLY available through Amazon or is it just me???

I wasn't really impressed with either of the lead female vocalists. Maybe it's just me. I Loved all the instrumentals and the male vocals though. Very cool.

This "article" has lots of "quotes".

This happens all the time... which is why Rally is AWESOME.
