
all the lack of LGBT representation means is that they weren't represented by the main characters, and even then unless the story delves into their sexuality as it does with Harry, you CAN'T know for certain there were none— you can only say we don't have an example from the slim margin of time we interact with

So we're supposed to be angry that a group of people are legitimately responding to a completely baseless action against them? They're monsters because they dare to defend themselves against scurrilous lies? We're cool with arbitrary knee-jerk reactions that limit peoples' right to free association?


Here are McMike's top tips about speeding in Virginia.

Yup and a two-year-old doesn't deserve to be on the receiving end of the anger whatever the cause is :(. Grown ups can handle this, but if she is unleashing undeserved anger at a toddler that is sad.

...and this is the reason why men should never complain to women, about other women.

That letter doesn't imply that the wife's temper is a temporary side effect of her pregnancy. There's nothing about, "She used to be calmer" or, "She's only been acting this way lately." It implies that that's how she is in general. If I were married to someone like that I'd ask for advice too!

In that exchange, I almost feel like those two people deserve each other.

are you loaded? no.

It says the Daily Mail tracked him down and he indicates that he would like to tell Wahlberg he forgives him personally, so maybe that's a little premature and unfair? He's allowed to feel however he wants about a racist, opportunistic punk kid beating him.

Where's Superman:TAS fall on your ranking? What about Batman Beyond? WHAT ABOUT THE ZETA PROJECT?!

Why did you leave out the third bullet point from that page of the CDC website?

Additionally, in what I am sure is a complete coincidence, the restriction on men who have had sex with men even once since 1977 sits just below the restriction for people who've used needles to take drugs on the FDA's guidelines, because as we are all doubtless aware, gay and bisexual men are so very comparable to

And how many of the 613 mitzvot do we follow today, Bachy?

As someone who works in the anti-counterfeiting industry, I just wanted to say that your description of how the crime of selling counterfeit goods is simple trademark infringement is incredibly simplistic and just wrong. Finished counterfeit goods are just the tip of the crime iceberg.

Of course there are issues with counterfeiting—it's illegal, copyright infringement, and lord knows there's nothing worse than biters and idea-plagiarists...

People get mad at her for her sister molestation, so she takes to the air about how SHE is the victim and don't you forget it. Classy.

So calling her sister "sexual property" and dressing her up as a "biker whore," or the stuff she did while her sister was in her early teens: all of that is "normal in context?"

She said she was raped in college so I believe she was raped in college. But that whole sister molestation thing and all of this ensuing PR is annoying as fuck. SO desperate for attention and a soapbox.

The problem is that there was a very prominent Conservative on campus named Barry. And by using that Pseudonym, all blame was leveled at that person. Rape Survivors shouldn't be shamed, but no one should be falsely accused of rape either, being that it is such a horrible crime, and that is what she did to this Barry