
Yet, here's why this type of narrative is dangerous. You're taking a handful of instances in a 20 year time frame and making it sound like an epidemic. Are there bad, racist cops? Yes. Are there people in the system who don't necessarily work towards justice? Yes.

Sure, each of the instances you mention is unfair,

I once had an elderly woman driving towards me on the wrong side the road with her wipers on and it wasn't raining. But yeah, she was driving slow.

I'm up for a "look how shitty white people can be" posts as much as the next member of an oppressed minority (I even got a two-fer!) but this is a huuuuuuuge stretch.

I feel like I'm missing something here, because I usually agree with your points, and here less so (which, as an aside, I can cope with. We don't always have to agree. I will live on. I am just surprised).


A public health doctorate requires a breadth of research and study unlike most anything on this list. It is, at its core, a communication studies course, but with the added requirements of sociology, anthropology, medicine, and economics. Someone with a Dr.P.H. spent a lot of time in a classroom, a lot of time in the

Considering Coca-Cola's roots in Atlanta, I don't think this is a policy change for the company

Two elements of the "Southern Way of Life"

Was just listening to this story on Kojo Nnamdi (local NPR show in the DMV) and two things to note:

Hm...maybe "a little of that burden" would have been a better word choice?

Couldn't you read that into any kind or protective act?

Wow, so the Happy Funtime American Poverty Review with those loveable wascally wednecks sexualizing extremely young girls...turned out to be a crock of pedophiles?

So I tracked down the actual complaint and Unilever is suing for false advertising under the Lantham Act, alleging that Just Mayo is not, in fact, mayonnaise. And according to the complaint, the FDA does define mayonnaise as containing an "egg-yolk containing ingredient." Which of course, Just Mayo does not.

The actual Culture Wars involve half the writers on Jezebel trying to build up Taylor Swift while the other half try to tear her down.

"Carrie Murphy is a poet, freelance writer, and certified birth doula."

Okay, suddenly the smug sanctimony of the article makes a lot more sense.

Nope, sorry, I reserve my right to roll my eyes at the stupid, hippy-dippy things some people do.

Incorrect. I can DEFINITELY have an opinion on people who have dangerous home births, and who put their lives and the lives of their children at risk for extremely stupid reasons. I can think those people are fucking reckless morons and also think that we need to do something about our shitty prenatal healthcare,

Idk...I think people are entitled to their opinions. I welcome opinions from my friends and strangers whether they be positive or negative. But then again, I have pretty thick skin. I'll listen to what people have to say, but ultimately I make my decisions on my own.

Do I get to have an opinion on people who incur unnecessary medical costs, thereby raising premiums for everyone?

You don't know how opinions work. I can have one. You just don't have to give a shit about it.