Not only would it be difficult to prove that was the intent, I think it's not a clear case of it being that.
Not only would it be difficult to prove that was the intent, I think it's not a clear case of it being that.
Here's the thing - GHB is also widely used as a recreational drug, especially within the gay community.
The article specifically mentions "property crime" as one of the major reasons for women being incarcerated. I see property crime and fraud as a definite threat to society. It is also a crime that usually involves aforethought and the perpetrator weighing the punishment against the reward and deciding the punishment…
If they said it as you did fewer people would click and they wouldn't be able to pretend that they were radical forward thinkers.
The cherry-picking in this story is on par with that shit-heel Doug Barry trying to gloss over the fact that (adult shit-heel) Chris Brown was raped as a child.
When someone offers friendship and you accept it, it's reasonable to expect them to act like and treat you like a friend. When they don't, it's reasonable to be upset about it. Especially if they're using your friendship under false pretenses - in this case, as their emotional intimacy binkie.
I understand how you're feeling, but I don't view this with Jezebel. I think they have an anti-crazy-wedding stance, which I tend to agree with. Actual anti-wedding, however, I don't see. What I do have a problem with is their anti-healthy stance. They frequently claim BMI is a terrible indicator—it is, if you're very…
The 'friend zone' is when you're into someone but they're not into you and they don't consider you to be someone they want to date. That's it, it's slang for that situation and it is very common. No, it does not mean they are intentionally banishing you there for malevolent purposes. No, it does not mean you should…
he did get a delightful spear of chicken liver toast which he was not particularly fond of because, you know, chicken liver is kind of gross and doesn't belong on toast.
As a historian, I was prepared for history-lite but I am impressed with Ms. Howe and this article. I hope we will see more of these articles on Jezebel. Now I need to find this book.
Hey, Dan, people don't always want to call you short and funny looking to your face.