
Two things can be true.

I want to commend you on describing the occupants of the second vehicle as innocent bystanders (even though they were not standing by) and not describing the people in the crowd as innocent bystanders. I don’t wish harm on anyone, but they weren’t innocent bystanders, they were idiots there to participate and take in

There’s a secret menu at starbucks?!?

DEN-HNL is a regularly scheduled flight — daily, I believe. It’s flown by a 777; how often it is this particular tail number, I don’t know. We flew HNL-DEN on a 777 returning home from visiting our daughter over Christmas last year. Makes me wonder if we flew on this same jet*.

Mea culpa - I should have thought this comment though before making it. You are of course correct that the plane will be able to continue takeoff with only one operative engine. I’m going to blame the fact that it’s 1am here and my brain has given up thinking for the day! I was thinking “the plane uses maximum power

The plane would have been within range of a landing site for the entire trip, as required by law, and a single engine has enough power for a safe takeoff and a stable climb.

Isn’t this required by law?

Once there’s no longer enough room during the takeoff roll to stop on the runway, planes have to be able to take off and clear surrounding terrain with one engine not functioning. So no, not almost certain.

A gift from me to you

I can say it. I hate the way it looks from the front and every other angle

Nah, one of the main perks is a lack of a gas engine which needs maintenance. Also, it still uses gas, and a decent amount compared. Is it a PHEV? If so, I’ll bite.

There’s no way Lyft/Uber could sustain a business solely on drivers like your buddy. And if the bulk of their drivers only worked on that kind of casual basis they’d have no way to match demand with supply. This is a hopelessly naive take.

As for your point, they don’t HAVE TO. Are you trying to tell me that people driving for Uber/Lyft are doing it because there is no other opportunity out there?

Here is what most people seem to forget. Uber/Lyft/DoorDash/etc. were never designed to be jobs and/or business; they were designed to be gigs. They were designed to be add-ons.

Kids of a certain age wake up when the engine turns off. A more likely reason. 

They just compare dent pictures.

Just how cold are your kids going to get in the 5 minutes it takes to get gas?  Are you fueling on Titan or something?

Some people just want to watch the world their face burn.