If anything, I’d say they were under-reacting. It’s fricken’ VR, man!
If anything, I’d say they were under-reacting. It’s fricken’ VR, man!
Can’t say you didn’t warn I fore the betterment of walletous consternance! I dont ROP but if I DOP’d then I’d GOP a BOP you SOP. Big Old Party. Serle Owens Pauley. Girls On Pens. Dongs On Parade. Rickon Over Prada. I was pretty meh about the whole thing. meh.
I made better things than all mankind. This is how I make good things: I work very little. Look how I sneeze and all my foodstuffs alight! They alight! In a creamy gubbernut chickwee sauze, brown brown bunting and toasty noodle doomps. I am slaved 19.5 years for this light picante olivedrizzle. Gosh though, it was…
You dont gotta eat no so much proteen so much in your life. It isnt so much you need it. You can so much eat less and its best. Proteen allot is so much based on last day sience. Peeple forget and cant do new things becuz they forget the new things are there. So much proteen makes you poop stank and hard on your…
People readily pass judgement about meaningless things like brand names and hairstyles. It’s more than ok that some of us are pissed about seeing people participate in cruelty to life. And you are passing judgement about why someone might try to dissuade you from eating meat... you have no idea what a person’s…
What’s happening here is Irish. These people are Irish. Traditional social etiquette need not apply.
Troll doll.
Who wants to be a CEO anyway? Boring if you ask me.
When will they let it think about something else?
Why do you go to the AH in Stormwind? There’s one in Draenor...
Yes, Megaman 2. I think my cat pissed on my NES because that game was so hard.
All flaws are humaned, but his statements are uplifting. I hope his efforts bring about long-term progressive changes in the Christian community.
Back in the day, when I had more time, I modded (sprite and model swaps, really) and played mods. I mean, [hipster] I played team fortress and counter strike before they were actual games [/hipster]. I know the value of modding to the gaming community, but at the same time, do I want to buy what amounts to a kitbashed…
I don’t think “activists” mean to exclude a particular group as you suggest. I think transgender related activism has great appeal because it seems like it should be so easy for someone to accept a person who has transitioned from their assigned gender, but people treat them like freaks or fakes instead and people…
It has brought them so much joy over the years... why not refer to themselves by their muse?
You question the mirror? It has brought them so much joy over the years.
Incoherence is so in right now. This guy is a poet!
Those are protest selfies. Clearly.
Did you play as… a troll?
Dominate? Domination isn't truly achievable - it's an illusion. There is no control at a personal level. I used to sell computers, food, electronics, games, movies, toys... I've started businesses... believe me, the whole rat race is rigged. Only a few really make it beyond where you (and I) are and they are just…