
Illidan wears bell-bottoms? I never knew!

Don't discount university level education if you find something you are truly passionate about. Degree programs, specifically in the sciences, are really necessary to advance beyond a cursory understanding of the fundamentals - it's the mentorship and communication about the topic that makes the degree experience

It all depends on what you learn. I'm not sure all degrees make sense, but a degree in something you care about and want to work in is a good thing, debt or no.

Where's the plus? This model is plus deficient.

Ruxpin is king of all mecha-toys.

A million years later I read your comment and it makes me want to check out the comic(s)! I am just getting to injustice on PS4 now and really liking the story. Only the Joker could pull off traumatization to that degree.

I'm really not out to ruin your day, but your mention of the Amazon hub made me remember this particular Radiolab:…

I'm really not out to ruin your day, but your mention of the Amazon hub made me remember this particular Radiolab: h

You must have responsible and dependable delivery persons who probably deserve a tip.

You must have responsible and dependable delivery persons who probably deserve a tip.

I have a minor glyph as a druid that randomly transports me to "a natural location" and the Whispering Forest, specifically in the middle of that ring of mushrooms, is one of those locations. I doubt Blizzard designed a whole area of the game's map as a random druid landing location for those who choose one

I hadn't heard this was coming to PS4 - Should be a lot of fun!

she's a mom and doctors hate her

Eh, I'm glad he found a house he likes. If I HAD to spend $70 million on a house, this wouldn't be the one I'd pick. Kind of looks like an airport waiting area inside...

The anti-swab movement hates your comment. A well-armed, properly trained practitioner can benefit themselves greatly with a semi-weekly swabbing.

I've been reading a lot of fiction set in the 19th century lately, but surely I can't be the only gamer excited about this AC?

So when we choose to buy certain video games instead of others, how is not that the same thing as literally asking developers to make games the way we want? In fact, I would say wallet-voting is the more effective argument - compared to "blabbing on the internet 24/7".

The good old days - when games stayed broken because no internet. I do agree with you though, its just that I like iteration and improvement too. I think 20 gb is a bit excessive, unless you are downloading the actual Master Chief's bio-pattern into your home transporter. Maybe that's what it is?

I think if you like Star Wars, you'll like several of these series. Dark Horse typically put a lot of work into their SW titles, in my opinion, and they got the feel of the universe sometimes better than some of the other SW iterations I've seen.

This feature wasn't quite as big a change in the actual game as the patch notes made it out to be - in my opinion. In fact, the map is actually more useful/functional now.

What's going to happen, inevitably, is that the business and social benefits of having an online identity will be eroded by harassments and threats and drive plenty of people offline, or at least to be anonymous if they are online. And it won't just be people that harassers WANT to go offline - it will start to be

And I was considering buying Ultimate Evil edition to replace the original for my PS3 until I read this article. Now I will just wait until I get a PS4 (one day).