
This post can't be real.

Tucker Max - what?! Is anyone really reading this interview and believing him? I read his book when it was popular years ago and... This interviewee is not even close to the picture he painted of himself in the book. He is literally condemning misogyny and distancing himself from it, claiming to be more evolved than

Not to sound "preachy" or like I have diacovered the secret of life or anything, but I am also an extrovert and I have found a few ways of coping. I never realized how bad I was until my sister moved in with me for a while. She pointed out that I just couldn't be alone, and she is a definite introvert so I think I

I don't mean to sound like a hater, as they say, but anyone who can kind of sing can sing as well as her. Good job singing while playing guitar, though. I wish I could play well.

Not at all! My response was sort of terse. No hard feelings.

I've worked in bars, I know. They were leaving them in a booth full of other people and they specifically stated that's why they were doing it, the morons.

Funny- Sough Florida, where I am from, has the second largest gay community in the country, and sometimes the first. But hey, people who know nothing about Florida (or think North Florida encompasses the entire state) sure love making these uninformed jokes!

This is one of those things that I bet some people don't see as satire.

I certainly hope not. I've seen only a handful of episodes and I can recall multiple rape jokes as well as domestic violence (against women, of course.) Not okay. I hate that show.

I recently went to one of my favorite local bars and ran into a bunch of female coworkers I've never hung out with outside of work. We get along well so I decided to sit with them while I waited for my friends. All was well until one girl ordered a drink from our server, "Surprise me" she said, "I like sweet drinks."

I'm so over this asshole. Money and fame isn't enough, what he apparently craves and gets off on is being a complete piece of shit to everyone around him. Pretty sure he's also known as a bad tipper, which in my opinion is the lowest of the low considering he's loaded (not that us non-rich people don't have to

Certainly not popcorn, unless JFK himself was eating it!

I like the concept of experiencing history in a more hands-on way. An above commenter described a similar attraction where you virtually experience a tornado. That seems really cool to me. But this is... Gross. Really voyeuristic in the worst way. It really highlights just how tacky and unsympathetic people can be.

I was also thinking that. There is no way there was enough (if any) that it should be one of the smells included. What also should not be included? Every single thing they are doing. This is tacky and gross and really shows us how voyeuristic in the worst way our species can be.

WOW! That actually sounds incredible and perception-changing! It's also not so personal and voyeur-esque that is it disrespectful as hell, like the idea in this post. I really want to experience what you described!

Wow! I had no idea. I feel like taking a trip back in time to 90's country now. Lots of Garth Brooks and obviously some Tim McGraw. Just to See You Smile will always be one of my favorite songs, even if most country is pretty terrible. Every heard of Florida Georgia Line? They pretty much just destroyed whatever good

Wow! I had no idea. I feel like taking a trip back in time to 90's country now. Lots of Garth Brooks and obviously some Tim McGraw. Just to See You Smile will always be one of my favorite songs, even if most country is pretty terrible. Every heard of Florida Georgia Line? They pretty much just destroyed whatever good

I serve tables nearly everyday and I can't remember the last time a hipster said the words "gluten free." But I can recall multiple older white ladies within the past 24 hrs.

That's my exact list. Notice Carl is not on it.