
Seriously! I've seen about a dozen comments asking the same stupid question. They're obviously using a computer to ask this question, why are they not typing it into Google? Or at the very least scrolling down two comments to see the answer someone else has already given. This whole article has already raised my blood

Most places people eat, and guaranteed if it's a chain, serve frozen foods, pre-made foods, etc.

Too bad it wasn't a fedora! Harder to wipe with, yes, but much more deserving of piss.

It's not "hipsters" who don't eat gluten. It's middle aged white women who watch shows likes Dr. Oz. I can't recall ever having a hipster tell me they can't eat gluten, but I get the older white ladies every single day.

Which ones? Also yes. Haha

You know, you're probably right. I'm interested in finding out how long he was involved with this man. He could have been abused by the older man for many years.

Buy... He was black. Doesn't that make it different?

Wow, someone actually went there.

The average number of abuse victims by a pedophile is 110 children in their lifetime. Considering this man is 28, that is a HUGE head start, and I am glad he was caught. Hopefully they put him away for a very very long time and that he never gets out, considering the recidivism rate (please please please don't find

Damn, I just commented almost the same thing before I saw your reply! I totally agree. It's crazy that every time I see someone post a bigoted response it is almost always misspelled and full of atrocious grammar. If you want your opinions to be taken seriously you need to come across as at least mildly intelligent.

You can either be a bigot or possess the ability to use proper spelling and grammar, but not both.

You can either be a bigot or possess the ability to use proper spelling and grammar, but not both.

I really enjoy a good love story, thank you for this! I also constantly take pics of my girlfriend when she is cuddling with our cats.

Keep him. A man who recognizes that sex isn't over just because he has had his orgasm... Keep him.

Every time I tell some that HR is actually NOT there to protect them, but to protect the company, they are shocked or don't believe me. I guess orientation videos really brainwash people.

It's not just the story itself, but how it was written that is making ME sick. A few examples:

A friend of mine sent me this article two days ago and while I appreciated reading this woman's story, I was more than annoyed by the poor writing. Just a few examples:

YESSS x 1000000

As a fellow gay, I agree. So many people support the gay community yet have no problem with sexism aimed at women. Homosexuality is becoming more and more acceptable, yet women's equality is still ignored. Their barefoot and pregnant obsession is seen as "traditional" and supposedly not hurting anyone.... Except of

I'm sorry that I've commented this like 5 times, but I keep seeing comments about chemical castration and feel the need to respond: