
Even an ass can make a smart point.

I was eating my dinner when they showed the inside-out cat and finger eating. I had a moment of very hard time swallowing.

Second season of WP was the most shockingly bad thing I'd seen in a while. It felt like they traded in a new writing crew that was determined to kill off every major character that survived Season 1-but first demoting them to irrelevence. Like half the writing for the season was strictly focused on accomplishing

It's not really clear in the book whether or not the whole ritual wasn't a trap set by Reynard. And if it was, that might explain why she wasn't on OLU radar until after that event.

"My name isn't Janet. It's Margot"

This show isn't on the CW…

Yeah, he just keeps showing up, dragging the characters of real danger to Martin in his tow.

I thought the representation of Aslan was The Tigress Goddess that created Ember/Umber and Fillory- I mean, that seems like a pretty intentional allusion to me.

Watching The Magicians is sometimes like watching a glorious train wreck and then hoping for the best.

LMFAO Ember did some Holy Shitting this episode too. HAHAHA.

I still cry for #CancerPuppy

Cacao Demon probably short circuited the Niffin magic. Like as a being of pure magic energy she blew a fuse.

Forget the afterlife. I want the Venetian Dragon! Blow all the budget! Gimme dat fracking river dragon!

I loved Quentin's Distract-you-with-dicks-coversation.

Reynard is connected to the other higher-tier gods that don't seem to have made contact with the human world in centuries and is part of a larger plot.

What? You don't find a soulless six-fingered man-child singing tunes to himself terrifying?

Hey now. They had to up the ante after last season's Cancer Puppy.

Quentin was searching for the Questing Beast in the book as well. I haven't read it in a while but I think when it couldn't bring her back to life he requested it to just send him home. What I'm really curious about is if next week's episode will begin with Quentin waking up in a centaur village hospital and learn

Penny was an ass in this episode. I was not sorry for what Julia did to him.

That's the nature of The Magicians. When everything finally seems to be falling into place-that is exactly when plots intersect to clusterfuck the characters over.