
Zingerman's nothin'. Don't get me wrong they're good if a bit pricey but the next time you hit up the Detroit Zoo or are in the general vicinity give Ernie's Market a try. Local business of over 60 years in a neighborhood of Oak Park. He's got 3 sandwiches: $3, $4 and $5 sandwich with one, two or three meats

Man what's with all of these people leaving Comedy Central? From Colbert to John Oliver and now Stewart? It's sad in a way. I rely on Stewart and company to provide a bit of sanity that is our current state of media. Sure John Oliver has since picked up the torch but he can't do it alone on a weekly broadcast. Gonna

That was very well done =). My only complaint: they really need to add the toll of the bell at the end. That's the note that hits with the power of finality and signals the end of the intro.