David Stringer

This being Star Trek, I'm sure someone else will be pedantic enough to point this out, but her rank hasn't changed. In the Star Trek universe, First Officer is her position, Lt. Commander is her rank, in the same way previous franchises had Chief Engineer Geordi La Forge, Science Officer Spock, etc.

I've not seen the film or trailer, but I recall the critic Mark Kermode saying that the trailer for Leap Year basically gives away the whole movie, up until ten minutes from the end.

I had to do some quick mental maths just to be sure that there's more than 600 hours in a month.

That's not authentic Canadian! That's Kevin Smith Canadian.

2016 is a glitch in the matrix.

Shred it and use it as a herb? Is that where herbs come from?

That'll be the reason for the audience, but in-universe it'll mean that scene (if canon) is set at some point before 2017.

The Doctor says something about going forward to 2017, so maybe.

A lot of these seem incredibly arbitrary. Batman's 'training' costs $20k? Why aren't we raising an army of batmen?

I think it's pretty clear that Axanar is breaking copyright/trademarks (whatever the technical terminology would be). The only issue is that Paramount had been willing to look the other way, as a certain amount of mid-level fan-films keep the Star Trek brand alive. Now, with a fairly high-quality fan-film being made,

In Conan Doyle's stories Moran ('the second most dangerous criminal in London' or something similar) takes over Moriarty's empire while Holmes is away. It's plausible that in Sherlock, someone almost as brilliant as Moriarty - but not quite - could take over the running of the empire he built and keep things running.

In real life, James Barry became a high-ranking surgeon, and it wasn't until after their death that it became known that they were biologically male. (They never worked out who they were born as, or their motivation for doing so, as far as I know.)

In Deep Space Nine s defence, it was a pretty good story, with the relevant main character (Jadzia Dax) dealing with a taboo, in the same way homosexuality sort of would have been at the time.
Her species (Trill) have a kind of reincarnation, and her lesbian lover is someone she'd been married to in a past life, so

There were lesbians in The Mirror Universe though. I'm not sure whether that's worse than nothing…

But that requires competent storytelling for the film to work. The modern way, all the filmmakers need to do is build a model of a place that looks like somewhere real, so the audience know it's supposed to be bad if it's destroyed.

As much as I agree that a lower league English footballer who has never had any involvement in filmmaking would be a step up from Orci, I'd like a slightly bigger step up.

More respectful of the franchise than Orci, and better writers too.

I'm curious about this account - do they save comments from the Daily Mail in a file, to be reposted when roughly topical, or does the account holder find an article, and search for a years-old Daily Mail article on a similar topic?

The campfire stuff in Final Frontier was pretty good. While it didn't exactly treat the supporting characters with much respect, Final Frontier worked as a science fiction film that didn't have too many gaps in character motivation, which makes it a better film than Into Darkness.

Our print media is the equivalent of American news media (The Daily Mail and the Daily Express being pretty close to Fox News, with The Sun not far behind).