
The cast in Agents of Shield are second rate and irritating. Hopefully The Inhumans will be made by different people. If the same people that make A.O.S. make The Inhumans then that show will be bad too. Anyway, the Netflix Marvel shows are fun fun fun and awesome!

Stop the hate people! The first three or four seasons of the Netflix Marvel shows have been very intense with mostly great writing and acting. So this is a small drop down in quality. So what. It's still better than the trash on ABC/Agents of Shield and most other mainstream network TV. After an awesome Jessica

Saw this film last night. Same old shtick. No character development. None of the solo Wolverine movies have been any good (second one was slightly fun) but they keep missing the boat with these films. So it was rated R. Ok, it was very violent, but that did not push the script forward. It seems they went for the

Ditch the cast and make it the Daniel Tosh and Aziz Ansari show.

Yeah, what was the deal with Felicity? lol. It was like she was looking straight ahead almost every freaking second of the opening. lol. I usually only watch the opening and first skit and then turn it off. To be honest, I only watch to see how pathetic and lame the comedy is compared to other shows/programs.

I bought the first season on DVD over the weekend. Figured I would give it a shot. Also heard a review on NPR from a reviewer basically saying it was a good series but he was concerned with all gory violence and so many innocent people dying in the series. After watching the first five episodes (that go by very

Man, the cast seems larger than the passenger list on the Titanic. The opening Trump/Clinton skit was OK. The second skit of the beautiful women with an ordinary man was lame and childish. After that I stopped watching. How can a comedy show on a major network have that lame comedy? I don't' know.

ABC and Disney need to fire the whole cast and reboot this series. The actors/actresses and writers just are not up to doing anything half way decent. I watched the first two seasons on Netflix and tried watching this third season but the characters are just so unlikable plus the scenes on that planet look like it

I'll also say, JJ and DareDevil is 100% better than ABCs Marvel's of Agents.

Why shouldn't it cover all that stuff? Because it's from Marvel! Seriously, I'm OK with them covering some important issues, but not every serious depressing issue on the planet. It's just too much and too depressing. And throwing in the abortion angle, even for just a few seconds, was a little too much. I'm not

This is a very good series but wow, is it pushing super liberal ideas. I'm liberal but it's more liberal than me. Pushing the abortion angle was too much. This is a freaking Marvel series, that kind of stuff should not be in a Marvel series.