Naw its Robins Donuts Timmies ghetto cousin
Naw its Robins Donuts Timmies ghetto cousin
Indoors is one thing but at a table when people are eating is just bad manners. No one wants someone blowing in their face when they are trying to eat. Not to mention most vapes reek of whatever flavour your inhaling.
This is smart not just because of Fuck Off reasons but something insurance companies won’t tell is they don’t pay right a away. Even is a fairly straightforward heart attack or car crash situation they will investigate and it can take months to get a payout. That includes a lot of disability policies as well. So an…
Canada has a single payer system. The TB rates on reserves is still abysmal.
I am a Canadian Aboriginal women I knew one of the women who have disappeared. My entire community knows who killed her but he walks free and her mother has no body to lay to rest. The RCMP is culpable in both those facts. I only hope this inquiry brings her mother some peace.
This was me too
Now this may sound a little nuts but I think paying cops more will make a big difference for a lot of the issues that have come up in the last few months including this one. One of the main reasons we’re seeing so much violence from police officers is that that type of work is only able to attract a certain type of…
As an elephant lover this definitely counts as good news. However as long as there is money in the trade desperate people are not going to stop killing these wonderful creatures.
Yeah but I simply have no interest in actually being with a woman. Much the same way you probably have no interest being with a man. I don’t think having sex with someone I’m not actually attracted to is the answer here.
That reminds me of the story m grandma tells every Christmas about my uncle. Apparently one year around Christmas my Grandma came home and found that several of the presents were missing wrapping paper. My uncle told her the cat did it. However my grandma notices that the cat somehow only attacked my uncle presents.
As an Aboriginal I don’t really have any particular objection to Colombus Day. Columbus himself was in the New World for about five minutes, he reallly had no control in anything that came after him. I also think what he did was extraordinary and brave and worthy of celebration even if it had brutal consequences.…
There also the chicken and the egg dilema of we’re they more likely to be labelled rude and/or disruptive because they are black. Like if a group of older white women had been making noises and demanding with staff would they have been treated the same way. Or was this group of ladies simply perceived as more…
Ah its the “you people are so loud/rude” fuckery. I know it far too well. Every time I go out with my girlfriends and we laugh full and loud like the native women we are half the room stares. Were not trying to draw attention, half the time we’re talking quieter than the drunk ass white girl whoooing it up but…
Yeah my Cree mixed blood ass has decidely mixed feelings about the white people teepee’s. I mean on one hand its not like a teepeee are an actual spiritual object like a headdress so its not really all that different than my people’s foundness for KFC. On the other hand its always done as a sort of ‘lets pretend we’re…
This actually happened to Katherine Heigl on Roswell. Ron D. Moore mentions it in the DVD commentary that was a nework note he hated to give out.
If she worked in some of the other camps where the Nazis tried to hide what they were doing I might agree with you. However Auschwitz never bothered with that the worst of the horrors were right by the main gates. This woman would have had to walk by half-starved workers every day, been coated in the ash from the…
That’s not really possible either genetically or anthropologically. As a mixed person I find the idea depressing actually. If we are all the same we lose so much in terms of Art and Culture. Diversity isn’t the problem the idea that one culture is somehow superior is. Which is really what your suggesting actually…
I usually am just as blunt and definitive (no I think or maybes just facts.) as possible but I say it in sweet comforting tone that fools them into thinking I’m being nice. Its weird but it works I think its because men respect straight talk but I’m not challenging their dominance if I do it in a feminine way. Tone…
Whats truly fucking with my head is this isn’t even really the policy of the Catholic Church itself. Any preist worth his salt will tell you the health of the mother is paramount. Sterilization under this circumstance is actually in line with the Church’s teachings. There are probably a few who would argue that since…
1. Pagans are not even remotely historical or natural. Unless they are worshipping Celtic or Norse gods “Pagan” is usually just new age (mostly dreamed up in the sixties by hippies) with some Native practices thrown in without any actual teachings included in the mix. I’m sure there are exceptions but IMO most pagans…