Science is Bad

Same goes for the goshdarn FF VII remake. People should really stop demanding better looking versions of games that came out when they were kids.

Oh no. You would end up with everyone using "leet speak" for their names. Truly, the end of all things.

Yeah, I know, we've talked about his mustache already. But come on.

Was it rotoscoped or something? Sure doesn't look like a filter.
I don't care much for supercuts or alternative trailers, but I can see a lot of effort here.

Are they cutting them to save money, or are they doing it to have younger voices for the PPG? Cause the VO that Tara pointed to looks like she's 14 or something.

The original had voice actresses? I thought it was created in a factory, by robots. Huh.

I'm not happy, but I'll give it an honest shot. Dazzle me PPG! DAZZLE ME!

Yeah, that was a good one. Everybody is gross looking and insane, it's great.

You think you're sooo clever, don'cha? Well… you are, have an internet arrow pointing up.

Boo! Get off the stage!

Maybe when Finn said he was the comet, he meant all of life. And when he says he was a butterfly, that means that life came with the comet to earth and evolved. So the comet is life, traveling from planet to planet. Or so it seemed to me. What do I know, I'm half Venture, half pony.


The only Star Wars scholar I am willing to listen to is named Mr. Plinkett.

I prefer "Eight Legged Freaks," thank you.

YES, more Rick and Morty! Maybe a little less of The Simpsons.

I'd say R&M is the best animated show debut in years. I've heard there was some kerfuffle with the writers stuff or whatnot, I hope that didn't mess anything up!

The ultimate fusion of AV Club's two greatest interests- Game of Thrones and mash-ups, with a sprinkle of the tired Too Many Cooks video thing on top. We're done here, close the website, throw away the key.

I still like the E-VA-CU-ATE jingle more. It's just so silly.

Gosh, these mash-up articles actually make me want to click the small x next to the website's name up top.

Well, we still don't know jack about Supergirl. In fact- Supergirl may never even come out.