One of my labmates (who is a very good friend but takes things too far sometimes) hit an ice bucket out of my hand so that the ice went everywhere. I was like "ok, that's funny, but you have to clean it up."
So I was just at the ATM putting in a few checks, and the guy waiting behind me was just laying on the horn while I was making my transaction. When I was finally done? He started sarcastically clapping and I caught it in the rear view mirror. I then put the car in park, shut it off and just sat there while he threw a…
There is a group of skater boys that live in my apartment building. They are probably between the ages of 10 and 15, and 5 or so of them skate together after school every day, frequenting the sidewalks and areas where I walk my dog. My dog is very skittish and gets really scared at the sound or sight of a skateboard.
Wait, where's the gif? You're being a gif tease.
We do have low rent, but we're also thoughtful about money. My weekly spending stipend for shopping and buying stuff has been the same for 7 years. I.e. I began out pretty broke, and as I got raises and better jobs, I didn't "grow into" the new salary by interpreting the additional money as stuff to spend. That means…
I'm from Appalachia. My perspective on poor is different. My mother has been working full-time for 15 years and makes $1,000/month. If she doubled that, she'd be nowhere near $3k. She is 52.
It definitely does depend on where you live, but you do need to adjust for taxes. If you're not having them taken out of your check especially. (I understand that she didn't realize; I've been an independent contractor before.) You generally need to assume in that income bracket that your take-home will be about 75%…
Best Christmas present I've ever gotten!
That is actually exactly it.
I got Baby as well, which was like vindication to little pele. It was always a fight because I was always scary because I'm black and I was Baby god dammit.
I know right? If I wanted a mole person in my "tunnel" I'd belong to an extremely specific fetlife group, thank you very much.
If you notice, before her spins she curves around. The energy comes from that curve. Instead of continuing curving around, she comes to a halt and spins on the ball of her foot, known as the "sweet spot" on a skate.
Very little friction and as they draw their limbs in closer, it accelerates the spin (smaller circle of rotation, faster).
Hugo Schwyzer changed his name and now teaches computer science?
I ran Boston last year and spent April, May, and June dealing with insomnia and anxiety (and Ativan). Felt a little better until July came and then FIREWORKS (BOOM). That was not fun.
Oh my God, I love the way I smell. I first realized it while working in a medical supplies factory "clean room" wearing one of these badboys:
There better not be other spiders out there appropriating black (widow) culture.
Speaking as someone who didn't want to be molested and wasn't "passed up" she can go die in a fire.