That is so damn cute!
That is so damn cute!
Those spins! I don't even understand where all the momentum to keep spinning comes from.
Cory Monteith was the big one for me - I still remember where I was and what I was doing when I found out. He just seemed so sweet and genuine, and he was quite young. He was open about his addiction and seemed like he was really trying to move on and be a good role model and advocate.
Personally, I see nothing wrong with accepting, especially if you're in a long-term, serious, commitment. If you're really put off by it, you could always have him pay it up front, then pay it back to him while saving yourself the misery of compound interest :)
Thank you for making me feel a little less nutty :P
You know, I've got some CompSci credits on my trancript, 23 years of living in Atlantic Canada, and a good handle on unraveling other people's English, but I can't even figure out what exactly this question is asking or how to approach it. Absolutely no aspect of this makes sense.
A+ on this Doodle! I love the style the artist(s) chose.
He actually turned himself in earlier this evening, before Dirt Bag went up. CBC is updating the article as news comes along :)…
She sounds so much like old Britney here! The original version was pretty old-Brit, but this is even better.
Halifax's Chronicle Herald ran this cartoon today:
Weird student question for you guys:
I'm also really pumped about this, big, genuine smile :)
the journal Food Hydrocolloids,
I'm quite pleased with whoever decided to hire him.
I had to look her up, but damn, that is some serious ass and thighs!
Also, her thighs are quite slim. Usually if you build a booty with muscle, the thighs build with it (see Coco).
Who/what the hell is that?!
He's doing us?! Where does the line-up start?!!!!!!
That Lurlene McDaniel reference was perfect. The style, the terminal illness - she's probably trying to buy the rights as we speak!