Science and Sex, Bitches

Your taxis play videos?!

This is amazing!

I watch this whenever I need a good laugh - no matter how many times I see it, his delivery never lets me down!

There's a nearly identical cat who has made her part-time home in the church at the Grand Pré historic site in Nova Scotia - they named her Evangéline.

Adding a vote for Organix! If you use any of the oily ones, keep the conditioner below the nape - it can be very tough to wash out higher up on your head and I've had my hair dry with oily patches before.


And seems to be bilingual, too!

Sweet baby Jesus, please send Lindy to Montréal! And if you can find an excuse to sen Rich Juz, too that'd be great, I'd love to give him a tour of The Village.

They've said several times now that the first two episodes will be light and fun, and we know that Santana has some hilarious stuff. Episode 3 is when the tribute will take place, and they've indicated that they may never reveal the cause of Finn's death.

Now playing

Finally found the source!!! Season 1, episode 13, closing number, My Life Would Suck Without you.

Now playing

Finally found the source!!! Season 1, episode 13, closing number, My Life Would Suck Without you.

Now playing

My favorite Mischa Barton oeuvre will always be Skipped Parts. I laugh every time I see that scene where she looks at the camera and says "Daddy!" all overjoyed.


I saw it, went to the Kinja page, scanned the questions, didn't see the word "report," searched for the word "report" and got 0 results. Awesome! does #trollpatrol still work, or is it supposed to be reported via email?

Are you familiar with Mr. Money Mustache? He primarily targets middle class folks who spend thoughtlessly, but a lot of his advice and intensity translates well to we the student-poor as well :)

There have been posts and discussions on Groupthink - no one knows why Jez seems to be ignoring it. Shameful head in the sand, maybe?

Woo-hoo! I remember when they voted to welcome openly gay people into their congregations and allow ministers/churches to decide individually whether or not they wanted to perform marriages for them.

"The vote to permit conducting and blessing homosexual ‘marriages’ passed by a vote of 192 to 132. The vote to permit

Ha! That's priceless!

No problem! I prefer this over tricking the internet into thinking I'm American ;)