
So Congress, who barely understands how the Internet works after almost 30 years, is going to pass laws regulating autonomous cars - a thing they know even less about? I can’t wait to see how this goes wrong. 

porcine viridescence is my new phrase of the week!

1st Gear:

So .... pimptastic porthole windows?

It surprised the hell out of me. I expected chaos with an engine that makes that much torque (450 lb-ft) at 1800 RPM, but it just gripped and went even on crappy tires.

Get rid of the character lines, creases, overdone vents, and make the roof body colored, and it’s a gorgeous car.

I don’t think you’re going to need a fire suit on this one. It’s ugly.

Hang on, let me get my fire suit...

My Volt loses very little when I switch to X-Ice 3s. The Nokian Haveafajitas are supposed to be low rolling resistance too. I was surprised.

Only $820 a month for 96 months?? SOLD!!!

That future features no sedans except for the Mustang

But how else are we supposed to know about the official corn chip of Nascar, the official powdered non-dairy creamer of Nascar, the official home mortgage refinancing app of Nascar, etc? 

You are the maddest lad of all time.

If this car needed 100 pages of maintenance history to make it to 96k, then it’s going to need 100 more pages to make it to 125k.

The only reliable Mopar was the 1997-2004 Dodge Dakota/Durango platform. Everything else is mediocre at best in that regard.

I love my Fiesta ST, but having worked in a Ford store for the last 3 years, they deserve to be even further down the list.

When you place a tariff on an imported good, local manufacturers raise prices to match and pocket the profit. They don’t keep prices low to gain a competitive advantage.

As lame as Eagle was, I’ll always have a soft spot for them. One of my first dealer jobs as a mechanic was a Dodge, Suzuki, Eagle dealer (yes I’m that unlucky)